Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Roads?...Where We're Going We Don't Need Roads has been just about 120 days since I renewed my Central American Visa, so you know what that means.  If you don't, it means that Eva and I have to leave the Central American Union countries for 72 hours to reset my Visa here in Nicaragua.  Costa Rica is the closest of the countries we can travel to to accomplish this, so this Friday we head off again by bus on a forced vacation.  This time we are going to be getting dropped off only 2 hours from the border so we don't have to ride the full 10 hours to the Costa Rican capital San Jose.

March 5th is our 1st wedding anniversary so we will be celebrating it somewhere in some town.  To be honest, we are excited to spend our 1st anniversary on a trip, but to be even more honest, we just wish it was on our own terms and to a destination we both wanted to go.  While Costa Rica is a pretty place, it is very touristy, which makes it more expensive to travel to than other places in Central America...which might not be bad for people with steady paychecks, but for the likes of us who need to be masters of budgeting, its a little stressful.

But alas, we will only be gone for the legal required amount of time that I need to be gone, while making the best of our little adventure.

We have had an interesting month.  We had the opportunity to watch our friends' house while they were on a trip for a week which was nice to experience living in more than just one room :)  Also, Eva starting baking cookies and started selling them to some businesses around Managua.  On Valentines Day we had a busy day of public transportation and delivering to various places.  We are hoping we can continue this venture a little bit more to help supplement our support.  The pictures above are of Eva's Valentine's Day cookie package and me hand washing clothing.  I was never good at using a washing machine and now look at me, I am a washing machine :)